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Impartial training and careers advice

Call us: +44 (0)1983 280641

Our promise

While you are with Flying Fish we promise to do our best to help you achieve success on your course. This agreement is for the benefit of everyone on your course, and to protect the good standing of Flying Fish as a training organisation.


Your responsibilities

In return we expect you to act responsibly and conduct yourself professionally. The way you behave during your course not only affects your own progress, but that of your colleagues as well as the reputation of Flying Fish.



Fire – In the event of fire, you must evacuate the buildings. Muster point is in the High Street.


Accommodation rules

  • There is an absolute ban on smoking inside the accommodation. This includes smoking out of the windows or on the balcony. It is also illegal to smoke in our training rooms. Smoking is permitted outside only.
  • You must respect the needs of other residents for peace and quiet in the accommodation and those in the neighbourhood.
  • No music is to be played after 10:00pm and no parties at any time.
  • The accommodation is to be kept clean and tidy at all times.
  • You are responsible for doing your own washing up.
  • No guests, friends or non-resident customers of Flying Fish are allowed to enter the accommodation at any time, stay overnight or use the facilities.
  • You must stay in your allocated room. You will find your name on your door.
  • You will be charged for any loss or damage to property, or the need for extra cleaning, caused by you or by anyone for whom you are responsible.
  • You are required to report any damage to Flying Fish accommodation as soon as possible.
  • There will be several house inspection during the course to check on the condition of the accommodation. We will inform you before entering the property.

Failure to adhere to these rules will result in your being required to vacate your accommodation, immediately and without refund. You will be entitled to continue with your training, staying in alternative accommodation arranged by you.



You are responsible for your key which must be returned to the office on the morning of your final course day. You will be charged for missing keys. The charge is £5 per missing key.



A first breach of the accommodation or general rules will be treated as Misconduct and you will be given in a warning. A second breach of the rules will be treated as Gross Misconduct and you will be asked to leave the accommodation with no refund.


Gross misconduct

A breach of any of the following constitutes “gross misconduct” and will result in your removal from your course. You will be charged for any damage caused.

  1. Being under the influence of alcohol
  2. Taking, or in possession of drugs
  3. Damage to any property belonging to Flying Fish or its suppliers through negligence
  4. Fighting
  5. Bringing Flying Fish or its suppliers into disrepute